Collection: Teqball Tables - Our TEQ Range

Browse our collection of Teqball tables and immerse yourself in one of the fastest growing sports around the world.  Turn the pass time of football table tennis into a well polished and competitive sport for the people are your facilities today. We have each TEQ table in stock with the TEQ One Table, TEQ Smart Table and TEQ Lite Table. All Teqball tables have free delivery available!

  • Curved table surface for ultimate football table tennis experience
  • 3 Varying TEQ Table options to ensure there is something for everyone
  • Free delivery available on all tables
  • Fast delivery
  • Perfect for indoor and outdoor use!

If you like our Teqball tables there's a good chance you like football! See our football collection today or look specifically at our durable and high quality football goal posts.

Best Selling Teqball Table

Teqball Tables FAQs

What Is Teqball?

Teqball is one of the fastest growing sports around the. It is a table football tennis game on a curved table with worldwide tournaments and competitions, governing bodies and millions of followers. Players can hit the ball with any part of their body apart from arms and hands and it can be played solo and in doubles. It is a fantastic, enjoyable pastime and stand-alone sport. To find out more and learn about the rules, we recommend you check out the official TEQBALL website here.

What Types Of Teqball Tables Do You Offer?

We offer the three most common types of Teqball tables. The TEQ Smart, TEQ One and TEQ Lite. See these tables in our collection above as each has reasons as to which it should be your TEQ choice!

Which Teqball Table Right For Me?

Choosing the best Teqball table for you or your facilities depends heavily on you and your clubs or schools circumstances. We recommend that anyone looking to get a TEQ table for personal use opts for a TEQ Lite table due to its lightweight nature and smaller storage space needed whilst still retaining those eye catching features of TEQ tables. this table is easy to move and foldable taking up a smaller footprint when stored and offers amazing value.

For any club or person serious about Teqball should look at our other two models. The TEQ One table is the standard Teqball table used for competitive play and is the best selling model. It offers a solid net and removes any chance of luck with its meticulously thought our surface curvature. It has a transparent net and is easy to assemble.

The TEQ Smart is a newer model and a foldable version of the TEQ One table. Any club or school that needs to store their Teqball table easily should be looking at the TEQ Smart table. This table is also the most mobile and offers amazing and highly competitive play like the TEQ One. It also has a transparent net and is an amazingly well built TEQ table for serious players and clubs alike.

Why Is Teqball Better Than Regular Table Football?

Teqball tables bridge the gap between playing table football as a pastime and playing it as a competitive sport. TEQ tables are still great for casual and enjoyable practice with friends but offer higher quality and more consistent play than any other football table tennis tables. Teqball as a whole is a whole other world to get lost in for football players and the tables are the perfect addition to any football clubs facilities!

What Footballs Can I Use With My Teqball Table?

Any football can be used on the TEQ tables but for maximum enjoyment we recommend using the official TEQ footballs that can be found on the Teqball website here.

What Is The Delivery Time of The Teqball Tables?

Each Teqball table is delivered within 7-8 working days and if you want to confirm exact dates please get in contact with our support team on 020 302 60556 or send us an email at